IED launches a Master Scholarship Competition for 57 Masters covering the 50% of the tuition fees 

Transition seems to be the most appropriate word to describe a moment of change, without losing sight of the complexity that all changes inevitably entail, since every transition is the result of the need to adapt in order to design a different future. Every transition is a process of research and compromise. And this is the theme of the new Master Scholarship Contest by IED. 

Currently, we are facing big transformations: moving from the physical to the digital realities, experimenting with new ways of communication between society and its surroundings, changing how we produce and consume… which leads to new priorities and expectations. Due to the speed of those changes, being most of them last minute and unexpected, the design methodology proposes a way of facing this transition, using creativity as a skill that brings innovation. 

IED Master students worked on different projects which all reflects what a TRANSITION means nowadays and proposed design solutions.

Projects that blend the virtual and physical world allowing users to create their metaverse avatar; fashion collections criticizing the current migratorial crisis in Europe; an exhibition conceived to overcome cultural bias related to identity and gender; a fashion film explaining the evolution of love in the next 25 years; or furniture transformed into an abstract object offering a precise design and its usability without a concrete form.  

What role can the designer play in the transition processes? Should they look to the future and the final state? Should they focus on the present thinking about solutions to be adopted during the change? Should we accelerate or simply follow the transition?

Designers definitely have an important part in this ever-changing world: it needs thinkers to shake the reality, solve our current scenarios and present reliable and committed solutions. 

IED just launched its Master Scholarship Contest asking future innovators how they interpret “design for transitions” for a 50% discount on the tuition fee on 57 Master Courses. Are you one of them?

Share your ideas with us before March 8th 2023 submitting your project.

Find out all the information at this link

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